Personal Helicopter Construction Plans
Here we have the construction plans for a personal helicopter. This is not a gyro-style vehicle (gyrocopter), but a mini (personal) traditional helicopter.
Gyrocopters have a push motor in the back and a passive rotating wing as the main rotor. Because of this configuration, gyrocopters cannot take off vertically like helicopters do and rather do it like a normal airplane, needing runway space.
What is detailed in this document is a traditional helicopter. It has a single main rotor and an anti-torque tail rotor, both driven by the same engine. It can take off and land vertically.
The specifications are the following:
- Max. flight velocity – 95MPH
- Max. Altitude (service ceiling) – 12,500 feet (that’s 2.37 miles up or 3.8 Km)
- Engine – Rotax, 65hp
- Maximum Climb Rate – 1,100 feet/minute (or 18.3 feet every second)
- Maximum carrying weight (payload) with a full tank – 350 Lbs
- Max. Gross Weight – 700 Lbs [helicopter (325 Lbs), pilot (350 Lbs max.) and a full tank (25 Lbs)]
- Fuel Tank Capacity – 8 Gallons
- Full Tank Service Range – 80 Miles
- Take-Off Distance – 0 Ft.
- Landing Distance – 0 Ft.
- Seats – 1
As you can see from the specifications, it can fly at a maximum speed of 95 MPH, can go as high as 12,500 feet (2.37 Miles or 3.8 Km height), and can fly up to an 80 miles distance with a full tank. The engine is a 65 hp Rotax engine and the fuel tank has an 8 gallons capacity (gasoline). The climb rate is fairly good for its size. It is approx. 1,100 feet per minute, which means that you can get to the top of a 100 stories building from the ground in about one minute.
The document has 80 pages and it is in PDF format.
Examples of the document details:

Personal Helicopter – Document Details Example

Personal Helicopter – Document Details Example 2

Personal Helicopter – Document Details Example 3

Personal Helicopter – Document Details Example 4

Personal Helicopter – Document Details Example 5
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